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Tax Cuts and Jobs Act Impact - Guide to Charitable Planning (Currently Unavailable)

Author(s): Nancy E. Dempze, Brad Bedingfield

Published: Nov 30, 2018

ISBN: 9780808049999
Product Number: 10064237-0001
Volumes: 1
Update Frequency: As Needed
75 Pages

The CCH Answer Connect Guide on Charitable Planning explains the implications of the changes made by the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. affecting the itemized deduction for certain charitable contributions made during the year to charities, governments and other qualified organizations. Discussed in this volume are the increased percentage limit for charitable contributions, the repeal of the deduction previously allowed for amounts paid for college athletic seating rights and the repeal of the substantiation exception.

CCH Answer Connect Guide on Charitable Planning is now available in an eBook format which you can download to your computer instantly.

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