Estate Tax Issues for Taxpayers with Non-Citizen Spouses (Completed)

Date: Thursday, August 8, 2024
Instructor: Klaralee R. Charlton
Begin Time:  9:00am Pacific Time
10:00am Mountain Time
11:00am Central Time
12:00pm Eastern Time
CPE Credit:  2 hours for CPAs
2 hours Federal Tax Related for EAs and OTRPs
2 hours Federal Tax Law for CTEC

NOTE: Go to My Professional Profile in your CCH CPELink account settings to ensure your name, and PTIN number; matches your PTIN card

Many taxpayers are married to individuals who are not United States citizens. For these taxpayers, the typical transfer tax protection found in the unlimited marital deduction is unavailable. For these taxpayers, strategically owning assets and utilizing the qualified domestic trust is critical to mitigating estate tax on the death of the citizen spouse. In this course, we will identify the differences in marital transfers between citizen and non-citizen spouses and understand how assets can be administered after the death of the citizen spouse to mitigate estate tax. Participants will also learn how the couple can plan during life to mitigate estate tax when the surviving spouse dies—particularly when non-US assets are owned.

Topics Covered

  • Review of the transfer tax exemptions available for gift and estate tax to non-citizen spouses
  • Description of the tax consequences of transferring assets in trust versus outright to a surviving spouse
  • Explanation of the requirements for a qualified domestic trust and ongoing reporting obligations
  • Summary of asset balancing techniques for the citizen and non-citizen spouse

Learning Objectives

  • Understand the differences between transfers to citizen and non-citizen spouses for purposes of estate and gift tax
  • Analyze how to transfer assets to non-citizen spouses while mitigating estate and gift tax
  • Identify opportunities for asset balancing when assets are located outside the US
  • Recommend the best estate planning and administration techniques to successfully transfer assets to non-citizen spouses


Instructional Method
Group: Internet-based

NASBA Field of Study
Taxes (2 hours)

Program Prerequisites
A basic understanding of estate tax will be helpful prior to taking this course.

Advance Preparation

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