Tax Legislation 2017: Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017: Conference Report (Currently Unavailable)

Author(s): CCH Editorial Staff

Published: Dec 28, 2017

ISBN: 9780808049449
Product Number: 10059745-0001
Volumes: 1
Update Frequency: As Needed
1 Pages

This publication, Tax Legislation 2017: Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017: Conference Report, reproduces the full text of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act and the Joint Explanatory Statement of the Conference Committee for the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, explaining the current law, the changes made, and when each of these changes will go into effect.

The Conference Report of the  Tax Cuts and Jobs Act indicates legislative intent and is particularly helpful pending the issuance of final regulations in areas where the Code is unclear. The Congressional intent expressed in Committee Reports is regarded by Courts as very high authority in determining how to apply new law. For this reason, the Conference Report is a valuable addition to any tax library.

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