The IRS Practice Series (Currently Unavailable)

This 11 course self-study series is designed for all practitioners who want to learn to protect their clients from IRS audit actions. Taught by Eva Rosenberg, MBA, EA..

With a step-by-step guide through the levy process, course participants learn more about why taxpayers are levied, how to avoid levies, and how levies are released.
Learn how to resolve collection issues with an overview of the qualifications for and benefits of each type of resolution, as well as a detailed guide to which resolutions offer the best outcome for each client.
Course participants learn more about the 433 Series Collection Information forms and the national standards that govern them. The course also addresses client expense planning to ensure the best deal possible.
An Offer-in-Compromise (OIC) allows taxpayers to reach an agreement with the IRS to pay less than the total owed. You'll receive a detailed 6-step guide to requesting an OIC to achieve a reasonable settlement for your client.
Learn everything you need to know about managing conflicts of interest between spouses, business partners, and tax professionals. This course covers power of attorney, IRS interactions, client privacy issues, and guidelines for professional advertising.
During this course, you'll learn about taking over an audit, constructing records for clients who failed to utilize proper accounting methods, preparing records and power of attorney, as well as communicating with the IRS.
Are you familiar with the guidelines the IRS uses to compute penalties and interest? Course participants gain valuable computation tools, as well as strategies for penalty and interest reduction.
This course will provide information about the steps to take after you have successfully resolved a collections, offer in compromise or audit issue for your client. This topic is the eighth course in the IRS Practice Series.
Some clients are chronically in tax trouble. While this might be lucrative for tax professionals, it is devastating to your client, his or her family — and even to you, if you care (which you do!) This course will help you guide your clients to develop good tax and business habits — and perhaps even save their marriages and more. This course is a must for Tax practitioners wanting to protect existing clients from IRS' predatory collections action, from clients' own insecurities and personal failures, and want to grow their business into this rapidly expanding market.
This on-demand course will teach you how to navigate these choppy waters and how to (or how not to) represent clients that may have opposing agendas.
This on-demand course will prepare you to go through IRS's Fast Track Mediation, prepare your case for the IRS Collections Appeals process, and explain how to prepare a your client's case for the various courts. While you may not be able to represent them in the Court system, you can certainly prove their case and be an expert witness. This course will take you beyond the fundamentals of tax practice and into areas where skill and finesse are required.
Total: 11 courses (23 CPE hours)

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