Forensic and Investigative Accounting (10th Edition) (Currently Unavailable)

Author(s): D. Larry Crumbley, Edmund D. Fenton

Published: Aug 17, 2021

ISBN: 9780808056300
Product Number: 10030096-0008
Volumes: 1
Update Frequency: Annually
792 Pages

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Forensic accounting is a growing area of practice in which the knowledge, skills and abilities of advanced accounting are combined with investigative expertise and applied to legal problems. Forensic accountants are often asked to provide litigation support where they are called on to give expert testimony about financial data and accounting activities. In other more proactive engagements, they probe situations using special investigative accounting skills and techniques. Some even see forensic accounting as practiced by skilled accounting specialists becoming part and parcel of most financial audits --an extra quality control step in the auditing process that will help reduce financial statement fraud.

Forensic and Investigative Accounting (10th Edition) is a complete and readily teachable text on one of the most timely accounting topics. Written by D. Larry Crumbley and Edmund D. Fenton, Jr., this text covers the twin pillars of forensic accounting -- litigation support and investigative auditing -- in detail.

The 10th Edition includes valuable research from various sources, as well as new and updated examples, more internet problems, many new problems and textbook materials. Specific items such as non-financial fraud, pandemic fraud schemes, costs of fraud, Venn Diagram of the four types of fraud, tax havens, critical audit matters issues, more IRS Market Segment Specializations, the Anti-Money Laundering Act  of 2020, guidance for no-poaching agreements, an updated sample engagement letter, and much more are covered. This edition brings the reader up to date with the latest cybercrime activity and cases, and it documents the latest corruption schemes and explains how to find and prevent them.

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