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Federal Taxation Practice and Procedure (14th Edition) eBook

Author(s): Robert J. Misey

Published: Dec 15, 2023

ISBN: 9780808059776
Product Number: 10024516-0005
Volumes: 1
Update Frequency: As Needed

List Price: $239.00
Student Price: $191.20

Instructors: Please visit https://engagetax.wolterskluwer.com/ExamCopies to learn more and request a desk copy for review.

Federal Taxation Practice and Procedure (14th Edition) provides a clear explanation of the organization, structure and processes involved in IRS practice. A favorite in practice and procedure classes because of its clear descriptions and logical presentation, it is a top reference for practitioners as well. The book patiently covers the basics, the complexities and the details with plenty of real-life illustrations and examples. All the latest IRS structural changes and developments are explained, and the book helpfully includes reproductions of official letters, forms and notices used by the IRS.

This new 14th Edition reflects the latest statutory, regulatory and case developments along with changes in IRS operations and processes. Included right in place are special end-of-chapter problems for those using the book as a text or training tool. The authors continue the practice of carefully and concisely explaining the workings of the IRS, so that the reader gets a clear sense of how things work on a practical level.

This comprehensive guide discusses the administrative structure of the IRS, ethical duties of the practitioner, preparer penalties, and the statute of limitations. The Service's procedure in determining, reviewing, litigating and collecting tax deficiencies is described, and the roles of all the key groups within the IRS are covered. Also included are a discussion of related criminal investigations and the use of the IRS summons. The indirect method of proof is also covered.

The book's helpful Appendix contains the key sections from the Statement of Procedural Rules adopted by the Treasury Department to govern the internal administration and functioning of the IRS.


The book reflects the substantial experience and resourcefulness of its authors in highly successful IRS practices. The book's chapters are organized in a pedagogically sound sequence for optimum teaching and superior professional reference. Chapters are as follows:

  • Chapter 1: Organization of the IRS
  • Chapter 2: Practice Before the Internal Revenue Service
  • Chapter 3: Ethical Responsibilities
  • Chapter 4: Examination of Returns
  • Chapter 5: Large Case Audits
  • Chapter 6: Investigative Authority of the Internal Revenue Service
  • Chapter 7: Evidentiary Privilege for Federally Authorized Tax Practitioners
  • Chapter 8: Partnership Audit Procedures
  • Chapter 9: Penalties and Interest
  • Chapter 10: Statute of Limitations on Assessment
  • Chapter 11: Access to Internal Revenue Service Information
  • Chapter 12: The Appeals Office
  • Chapter 13: Assessment Procedure
  • Chapter 14: The Collection Process
  • Chapter 15: Claims for Refund
  • Chapter 16: Private Rulings and Determination Letters
  • Chapter 17: International Tax Procedure
  • Chapter 18: Criminal Tax Procedure
  • Chapter 19: Indirect Method of Proving Income
  • Appendices
  • Case Table
  • Finding Lists
  • Topical Index


    Wolters Kluwer offers a complete teaching package to support adopting instructors. Instructors adopting this book receive a downloadable Instructor's Guide that includes:

    • a short outline of selected significant points covered in each chapter, along with a suggested list of pertinent Internal Revenue Code sections and regulations, designed to serve as an initial sketch for the instructor to prepare lecture notes
    • both the discussion questions in the text and the authors’ suggested answers and
    • a Multiple Choice Exam with questions and answers.

    Instructors: Please visit https://engagetax.wolterskluwer.com/ExamCopies to learn more and request a desk copy for review.

    Now available as an eBook, Federal Taxation Practice and Procedure (14th Edition) provides a clear explanation of the organization, structure and processes involved in IRS practice. A favorite in practice and procedure classes because of its clear descriptions and logical presentation, it is a top reference for practitioners as well. The book patiently covers the basics, the complexities and the details with plenty of real-life illustrations and examples. All the latest IRS structural changes and developments are explained, and the book helpfully includes reproductions of official letters, forms and notices used by the IRS.

    This new 14th Edition reflects the latest statutory, regulatory and case developments along with changes in IRS operations and processes. Included right in place are special end-of-chapter problems for those using the book as a text or training tool. The authors continue the practice of carefully and concisely explaining the workings of the IRS, so that the reader gets a clear sense of how things work on a practical level.

    This comprehensive guide discusses the administrative structure of the IRS, ethical duties of the practitioner, preparer penalties, and the statute of limitations. The Service's procedure in determining, reviewing, litigating and collecting tax deficiencies is described, and the roles of all the key groups within the IRS are covered. Also included are a discussion of related criminal investigations and the use of the IRS summons. The indirect method of proof is also covered.

    The book's helpful Appendix contains the key sections from the Statement of Procedural Rules adopted by the Treasury Department to govern the internal administration and functioning of the IRS.


    The book reflects the substantial experience and resourcefulness of its authors in highly successful IRS practices. The book's chapters are organized in a pedagogically sound sequence for optimum teaching and superior professional reference. Chapters are as follows:

    Chapter 1: Organization of the IRS

    Chapter 2: Practice Before the Internal Revenue Service

    Chapter 3: Ethical Responsibilities

    Chapter 4: Examination of Returns

    Chapter 5: Large Case Audits

    Chapter 6: Investigative Authority of the Internal Revenue Service

    Chapter 7: Evidentiary Privilege for Federally Authorized Tax Practitioners

    Chapter 8: Partnership Audit Procedures

    Chapter 9: Penalties and Interest

    Chapter 10: Statute of Limitations on Assessment

    Chapter 11: Access to Internal Revenue Service Information

    Chapter 12: The Appeals Office

    Chapter 13: Assessment Procedure

    Chapter 14: The Collection Process

    Chapter 15: Claims for Refund

    Chapter 16: Private Rulings and Determination Letters

    Chapter 17: International Tax Procedure

    Chapter 18: Criminal Tax Procedure

    Chapter 19: Indirect Method of Proving Income


    Case Table

    Finding Lists

    Topical Index


    End-of-chapter questions present practical problems, and are designed to help the student determine what to do in the situations presented. An Instructor's Manual, which is also available to adopting instructors, suggests assignments of portions of the procedural rules, as well as code sections relevant to each chapter. Chapter questions are also discussed in the Instructor's Manual.

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