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New Jersey Taxes, Guidebook to (2024) eBook

Author(s): Wolters Kluwer Tax Law Editors, Susan A. Feeney, Michael A. Guariglia

Published: Dec 02, 2023

ISBN: 9780808058946
Product Number: 10032693-0016
Volumes: 1
Update Frequency: Annually

List Price: $285.00

Wolters Kluwer's Guidebook to New Jersey Taxes is an indispensable resource for anyone working with state taxation in New Jersey. It is designed as a quick reference, describing the general provisions of the respective tax laws, regulations and administrative rulings useful to tax practitioners, businesspersons and others who file New Jersey returns or who are required to deal with New Jersey taxes.

This popular Guidebook provides practitioners with concise and authoritative information on New Jersey taxes. It presents thorough coverage of the taxes of major interest, including:

  • Corporation income tax
  • Personal income tax
  • Sales and use tax

Other New Jersey taxes are discussed, as well, with particular emphasis placed on persons or transactions subject to tax, exemptions, basis and rate of tax, and returns and payment.

For the user's convenience in determining what is new in the New Jersey tax law, a special Highlights of Tax Changes section is included to provide at-a-glance awareness of key recent developments in the law. While this handbook focuses on the law applicable to the filing of income tax returns in 2024 for the 2023 tax year, legislative changes effective after 2023 are also noted with an indication of the effective date to avoid confusion and to assist in future tax planning.

References to the New Jersey and related federal provisions are provided throughout. A detailed Table of Contents makes pinpointing critical information quick and easy. Cross references to specific paragraphs in the comprehensive Wolters Kluwer New Jersey Tax Reports service are also provided throughout the text to assist users in further, more comprehensive tax research and tax planning.

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